Christeen's Journal, 07 Nov 07

ok - so here I am...a total fatsmash failure. I even went so far as to give myself a few days "off". Good news - have not gained. bad news: have not lost. Bad news - so down on myself right now. Good news: asking for help, advice. so if you're reading this..please help. Tell me what you would do.

Background otherwise known as "me ranting and complaining": I decided I'd give myself the weekend off because I orderd the book "extreme fat smash" - which would arrive Monday. (it was featured in a magazine I bought at the grocery store check-out line Thursday) From the three page magazine article it seemed quite easy to do..even better!!! My plan was to start allllll over on Monday on the Extreme Fat Smash when would deliver my miracle book that would save me from being a fatty forever. I still worked out. Just didn't really diet. I thought the Fat Smash worked soooo well, this book coming in the mail on Monday must be fabulous. So the weekend flys by. I didn't like eat everything in sight, just didn't stick to any diet. The book comes in the mail on Monday and I just can't wait to read it so I can start (again) on my weight-loss journey. Boy oh boy...I just can't wait!!! I read and filter through the book and finally get to chapter 6 where it tells you what to eat and I'm a little dismayed. Okay..a lot dismayed. What the CRAP?!! Are you KIDDING me? It's like a starvation diet. I'm sorry, but 1 egg for breakfast...oh that's right you get A piece of fruit. Unless that "piece of fruit" is a watermelon...i'm like going to need a little more than that...but wait there's meal 2. a cup of fruit. like do I get to pour that over maybe a hamburger?'s a meal 3 - a "small" veggie salad with a few tablespoons of low-fat dressing. meal 4: 1/2 cup of beans. 2 servings of veggies. like have we hit even 500 calories yet? oh..and don't forget to do our 55 minutes of cardio. that's day one on "Extreme." It's simply laughable to think there are people out there that can stick to this kind of torture. That's right. I typed it. TORTURE. I need a little more food than that or else I would go insane. I'm not on the biggest loser campus..I'm living in a house with "not on a diet" people that eat really good stuff and I have a stressful job and if I hated food so much that I could starve myself (I've seen people on survivor get more food than Doc Ian here's suggesting) I wouldn't be here in the first place. Yes, I get it. It's EXTREME..duh. I know, I know. It's EXTREME. But he should have mentioned INSANe. The book should be titled, INSANE Fat Smash diet. I could have followed this kind of thing when I was a teenager...maybe. But not anymore. So, needless to say, Monday I just ate healthy. Tuesday, same thing. Today, at work...went to the evil place. The hospital cafeteria. It was Hamburger bar day. Allthefriesyoucaneat. Need I paint the picture any clearer? So, since I blew that, I picked up chinese food for the family on the way home from work. And now I sit here, feeling like I will On a good note, I've been exercising a lot and have not gained any weight I mentioned before (I had to bring this up again because I'm so ashamed of my lack of self-control.) So do I start detox again? Do I go to Phase 2? do I hang it up? do I find another diet? I need some input/help.


Stop beating your self up Christeen. Look you didnt gain any weight that is very good.Sometime we all go thought this type of thing when we diet. It seems like our body is getting use to loseing weight and our metabolic slows down. So I would say go back on the diet you felt that you were loseing with and felt full with the food you were taking in.But most of all never GIVE UP and hang in there you can do it. just give it time and you will start loseing again.I hoped I helped. I am here for you. Have a good day tomorrow. seadog 
07 Nov 07 by member: seadog
You didn't gain any weight so I don't see why you would to back to detox unless you need to get rid of cravings, etc. again. Otherwise go back to Phase 2 most of the week and maybe have a couple of Phase 3 days so you can indulge a little. You are already doing the exercise, that's HALF THE BATTLE! You're fine, pick yourself back up off the pity pot floor and get back on track! 
07 Nov 07 by member: kimbulie
So you made a few unwise choices - it won't kill you! Look forward - tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning - at a lower weight than you originally started out - what is wrong with that? I agree with Seadog and Kimbulie - pick yourself up and stop fretting - so get 'em! 
07 Nov 07 by member: 4thehalibut
I was alway wondering what the difference is between the fat smash and the extrememe fat smash,AKA insane fat smash. But now I know. Are you serious about the amount of food? That IS insane, and not realistic for people to eat that little. I was watching Loser, and the trainer for B was mad because he was only eating 1200 calories. She said, "You have to eat if you want to burn calories". And that is so true. Sounds like you know that. I lost 6 pounds during phase I. Phase II ends tomorrow, so I weigh in on Friday. I'm following it pretty closely, but there are things that I add in. For example, with my oatmeal everyday, I put in a TBLS of flax oil. I sometimes eat 2 whole eggs and 4 egg whites, instead of 1 whole egg, stuff like that. I bought a package of cod filets the other week, and I ate the whole package instead of the "3oz" it told me to eat. I mean the whole thing had like under 300 calories for a pound of fish. I get a kick out of the tip that says to leave food on your plate after lunch because less is more. What? Less is more? We're already restricted as it is, and it says not to eat everything on your plate? I guess my point is, follow the bigger picture of the diet. I really like the structure and food on this diet, but I don't follow it 100% otherwise I would not get enought to eat. But what I do go over on is good nutritious food. I would go back to phase I, load up on Progresso Lentil soup, Uncle Ben's Brown and Wild rice, and don't look back. Then follow the diet to your needs while remaining true to the bigger picture and structure of the diet which is to eat nutritiously. Jim M 
07 Nov 07 by member: jmottl
You are not a total fatsmash did say that you gave yourself a break, but didn't "over" indulge that is a great thing - you have learned already to watch what you eat and how much even though you cheated some. That's a beginning step in my book. You didn't gain anything and that's a great thing. You still worked out and that's a great thing too. I'm doing the Extreme Fat Smash and find it very easy for me. The first day of Cycle 1 was the hardest and I will admit that, but here is a sample of what I did for day 1: Breakfast: 2 egg whites & a pear MidMorning: Apple Lunch: 1 sm veggie salad w/dressing 3 p.m. snack - 2 rice cakes Dinner: 1c. of veggies Snack: Yogurt **You're permitted 2 snacks a day if need to**. Once I got past day 1, it was very easy to follow and there are days when I can't eat everything they tell you to. Especially when you hit Cycle 2 it seems like all you do is eat, I realize it's small meals, but to me it's more than what I normally ate anyways. You just have to remember, what plan works for one person may not work for another. Choose the one that you feel is best for you and that you enjoy and keep with that one. If the Fat Smash was working for you then do that one - if you feel the need to do a detox, you can do a 3 day instead of the 9 day once you have already been through the 9 day to kick your body in gear and then go back to Phase II. Keep your chin up, we've all had our ups and downs. Hope this helps...  
08 Nov 07 by member: Mrs. H
Girl, you needn't be so flippen hard on yourself! We all know that we have to take a break and get our minds back on track!!! You are doing great, what ever you do DON'T GIVE UP!!! Just like everyone else is saying, do which ever diet works best for you! I have done them both and for me Fat Smash was the best, but Extreme Fat Smash works also. You just have to know in your mind that you can do it! Like Mrs. H said, you are allowed 2 snacks per day, what they tell you to eat is just a suggestion, if you are not full, eat a little more, but in the end I know you will be just fine. Right now it is just a shocker to read what you should eat and it doesn't seem like a lot, but I guarantee that your tummy has shrunk and you will feel full before you know it! You have changed your life already and you are eating healthier and I am pretty sure you are not having to eat as much as you used too to get full, so there you have it, in a nut shell, you are bettering yourself so don't be hard on yourself! A few days of indulging is not the end of the world, today is a new day, get you butt back on the right eating track and do this! You are not gaining any weight and you are continuing to exercise like you should....those are all the right things and all the right things makes this diet a success! Chin up now and get back on track! You have been a huge help to me and now it is my turn to help you out! GET IT DONE!!! 
08 Nov 07 by member: Hedder52
I appreciate all the great comments! I really just can't do the "Extreme" thing though and like most of your suggested -I have do what's right for me. That's what this journey is about - finding a way to have a healthy relationship with food and getting healthy so we can lead an active fulfilling life. I looked at what Mrs. H had on her first day - It adds up to about 400 calories...let's just say I know myself...I would be miserable and hungry. I hate feeling hungry - it's yucky. 
08 Nov 07 by member: Christeen
Hi Christeen, First let me say, you have to do what is best for you. I am on the extreme version of the fat smash. I found I had to make a few modifications to make it work for me. In stead of a real egg you can eat 1/2 cup of eggbeaters and add spinach, mushrooms,red peppers and tomato(about 1/2 cup of veggies). Cover with Old El Paso chipotle salsa and add a 1/2 cup of grapes. I ate this omlette for breakfast the first week and lost seven pounds. For snack I made a yogurt parfait with kashi cereal. For snack two I had a fruit smoothie made with rasberries, strawberries, and blackberries mixed with protein powder, ice, and carrot/orange juice. For Dinner I had the Vigerous black bean soup recipe listed in the book. I ate barbeque during the first week(not as much as would normally eat though). I also ate dry popcorn I do not like butter on my popcorn so i did not miss it. This diet has killed my appetite for sweets. I do not miss them either. I work out every day( I only skipped one day and that was due to exhaustion form working with the litte ones at church). I feel so much better my clothes are fitting better. My husband noticed how loose a pair of my pants have gotten and told me I needed to take them in before wearing them again:). Like I said you need to do what is best for you, and I am here for you whenever you need me.  
08 Nov 07 by member: kimmyj1006
Kimmy - that does sound pretty good! I didn't know you could add the veggies and such - that would make it easier to stick to. I LOVE that your husband told you to have your pants taken in! How great is that?! I think it's great that your sweet cravings are gone! The popcorn is a good snack. It's got that crunch, it tastes good and it takes a while to eat it - it's one of my favorite snacks. 
08 Nov 07 by member: Christeen


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