philanddeb's Journal, 15 Jan 13

Journalism. How sweet thy name. BIG RANT! YOU MIGHT AS WELL TURN AWAY NOW AND LOOK AT SOMETHING ELSE! Work has consumed me. I have been in the threshold of a hostile work environment.

I drove an hour to work today to arrive 1/2 hour early to find that my co-worker in management tells me that I have to meet in the office with the co-director. My heart sunk. The main director has already beheaded 3 others in the past week based on interesting views of their performance. She is now on vacation for the week, leaving her co-director in charge of be-heading me.

I didn't perform well according to the computer on one evening when I supposedly had enough help to handle the job. The computer said I "dipped" in my engagement of people at 11:30 pm. The camera is said to show that everyone was gathered around me at that time when customers were ready to pay for their goods...but where were we? Interestingly we were right where we could see everyone around, but the computer says we ignored customers who wanted to be checked out.

Wow! New computers, new calibration set against last year's intake and what can I say? I think we were doing a good job. We were in a huddle at my station and talking about what more we can do to get good customer comments...and look! The computer and my boss says they saw that we were not doing the right thing!

Five days off suspension and a demotion. They took my keys from me! And this is an ON FIRE SISTER FOR THE CAUSE! I have walked those floors, looking for anything we might be doing wrong and corrected it! I work with CU-RAZY customers who think we owe them something when we don't and turn them around and bring them back to my store!

The thing is this. I work for a woman who doesn't seem to get that I'm behind her. She has always taken my male co-managers in for the highlights, leaving me out. She has done some wild things including asking for her back to be massaged by ME! I said, I'm not comfortable with that with apologies and that may be when all this began...but I was told by what I consider to be reliable sources that she wanted me out before we met on her fresh new day at my store.

It's been a year of getting the bad shifts. I don't know what's worse, having a job that you hate because the members you work with value you but the boss hates you, or root canal!!!!!

I'm on fire for working well at my job! (And I swore to the guy who wrote me up and took away my management keys and earnings) That if I returned to my store (which I predict I will not because my boss hates me) I'd still be on fire and do the most I could possibly expect and beyond.

I suppose I could rely on the victim card. "Oh I had a problem with my arm or my leg or whatever so I didn't go as fast as I could." But for heaven's sake! I did really well! My colleagues completely love me to bits and I them! But I'm not a boy, I suppose I'm not the right race (although nobody really knows what my race is but me.) and I suppose my age too might have been a factor.

Before this all happened today, I had a client named Neil who said,"If you were running things in real life, things would be a lot smoother."

He wrote a letter to my boss who hates me, to that effect which will now arrive too late.

My boss has a brother in my union. My boss WAS lover to a district manager in my organization and I'm told is "besties" with the next supervisors up and the district management. I simply can't win in this. The desire to just do a good job for a greater good doesn't seem to register with her.

Four days ago, I was called in for my review which has always been 4 stars. She gave me 2.83 and screamed down my face after every question she asked me. She never even gave me a chance to speak.

There are so many other factions of this account I could quote, but I rant, and forgive me when I say it, I huddled with members who worked in the back of my store..."I don't know why she has this personal vendetta against you...but you've done a good job and she's blaming you for what the night crew leader leaves behind. We love you."

When I asked him if he'd stand up for me he said this, "I honestly hate dealing with her. I gave my 2 week notice and then changed my mind and stayed on. She was all over me and now she's finally calmed down. I don't really want to be under her findings because no matter what I do or how well I do, she's going to find something to make me out to be bad. I will come to your aide if I absolutely have to. But I really rather not.

I spoke with others. She's dismissed or given poor reviews to several in the past month or so. One man who was known for his great work was let go because of his lateness.

I was told when she came,(the new boss) "Be careful, she said you had to be gotten rid of" And here it is.

She's so pretty and sweet, and I told her from the beginning, "I want to spend time with you so I know what you want." She recounted wanting to give me her hand me down clothes and shoes that she could no longer wear. She said we'd meet for a nice lunch at my expense off work but nothing came of it...And when time passed and she didn't give me what she'd said, she said, I had the clothes dry-cleaned just for you. But she never gave me any clothes. I had text from her saying things like, "Deb, you're a keeper!" And "Great job! lunch on me!" And, when I wanted to purchase a second phone she stopped me, saying,"Don't buy a new phone. I have one for you!" But nothing ever came of it. She just never delivered. I asked so many times for us to have time together just to know her better and share one on one, but she said yes and then said she was too busy with work.

In my review with her she asked me four times, "Have I ever done anything to you that was disrespectful?"

I tried answering, but she spoke over me, countering what she thought I was leading up to in my share. It was like dealing with a teen on the Dr. Phil show. She never once heard what my thoughts were, nor did she try to hear them. At the end of the debilitating session where she told me that my colleagues and dept. heads talked poorly about me to her, she let me know that she'd never had to endure such a lengthy review.

I didn't want to let on to my co-management, but in the end they were rallying. They said things like, "She's been sent to this store because it was her last chance." "I know she's going to talk to me next and I won't spare the truth. I have nothing to hide. I love you Deb and everyone else here does too."

So with that I am resigned to the facts. They wrote me up, took away my keys and possibly my earnings stating that I could be demoted to as little as a cashier's pay and part time employment plus these FIVE GLORIOUS DAYS OFF for being suspended.

If anyone believes me, I was suspended for 3 days a few months back based on the fact that they said I didn't do my job. I did do my job and actually more. But the fact remains that the next person on the night crew, didn't bother to tell the truth or do the right thing thus blaming me for the wrong doing.

I will tell you truly that if I do something wrong, I'll admit it. If I am blamed for someone's wrong, I really don't know what to do with it with someone who is so inflammatory as my boss who speaks over me.

When I sought council about this the person on the other end of the phone said, "You're the 4th person this week from your store."

To be continued. Thank you Buddies, for weathering through this muck. I am dumbfounded. I have tried my best, but in reality, there are others out there who can take my job and appease the bottom line. What a shame.

I am going to spend this week in prayerful meditation. The weight loss is going well. It seems things concerning the body have worked there way out. I eat well, sleep more and am dedicated to this site. My new beginning is purely God's Grace. Peace be with you.


Deb - if at all possible - get away from that toxic woman. Is there anywhere else to go (work)? Another branch? Her deficient emotional intelligence is beyond compromise - if you can't go to HR this will continue to repeat. Did you have your notes from that Dec issue with you or did she just shout you down? 
15 Jan 13 by member: FullaBella
This is INSANE! One of the most demoralizing and insulting 'job reviews' I have ever heard of. She cannot be friends with or 'in bed' with every single solitary member of this organization... and if I were you.. I would fight back. This is utterly ridiculous. Document everything. And find someone further up in HR or management with whom you can meet during these 5 days of suspension. Speak to an attorney. Perhaps they can forward a 'letter' that might gain their attention. No ONE - whether performing in their duties - or a total slacker - should have to put up with this! NO ONE! This, is totally unacceptable management practices... and they deserve to be sued if they are not willing to fix this. (just sayin'.) 
15 Jan 13 by member: jsfantome
Obviosuly your boss knows nothing about running a business or dealing with employees. When you are dealing with the public you will always get a few people that you just can't please and if she focuses on them she can alwasy find something wrong. But the fact that she screamed at you and wouldn't let you speak in your job review makes me think that she knows she is wrong and this is totally personal. Also if she had to sleep her way into this job that also means she is not qualified to be running the place and she probable knows it and is threatened by anyone who actually could do the job. It looks like you have two choices, stay there and hope her incompetence get recognized or look for another job. Neither one sounds easy. 
15 Jan 13 by member: fatoldlady
Wow! I think you need to speak to HR or keep going up until you can find some one who will listen to you. If that doesn't work you need to look for a new job. The way she acts is terrible! You deserve so much better than that. Keep your chin up! She obviously needs to take a class on supervising other people and or lose her job. Threatening people is not a way to manage anyone. I hope things change for you for the better soon! 
15 Jan 13 by member: skwhite
Talk you HR, see if there is any possibility of transferring to a different branch, and, if all fails, look for a new job? I'm not sure what your situation is and how feasible finding a new job would be, but it's worth a try. I switched teams inside my company last April and I couldn't be happier about it. Hope it'll all work out in the end. lots of *hugs*. 
15 Jan 13 by member: lenakh
That was outrageous! I once worked for a horrible, horrible company but yours is even worse than THAT....and that's saying a lot! Calmly get to HR. Reputable companies do not want anything going on like what you've described. If they do, then you need to find another company, even in the economy that currently exists. This boss has overstepped workplace boundaries in getting too personal as well as having non-existent management skills. No matter what the issue, no one, at ANY level, warrants the kind of treatment and tone she used. So very sorry you're having to deal with this mess. 
18 Jan 13 by member: Sandy701


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